Designing Data-Intensive Applications - Part I Foundations of Data Systems

CHAPTER 1 Reliable, Scalable, and Maintainable Applications

Thinking About Data Systems

One possible architecture for a data system that combines several components.


Three concerns that are important in most software systems:


  • The system should continue to work correctly (performing the correct function at the desired level of performance) even in the face of adversity (hardware or software faults, and even human error).


  • As the system grows (in data volume, traffic volume, or complexity), there should be reasonable ways of dealing with that growth.


  • Over time, many different people will work on the system (engineering and operations, both maintaining current behavior and adapting the system to new use cases), and they should all be able to work on it productively.


Human Errors

One study of large internet services found that configuration errors by operators were the leading cause of outages, whereas hardware faults (servers or network) played a role in only 10–25% of outages.

How do we make our systems reliable, in spite of unreliable humans?

  • Design systems in a way that minimizes opportunities for error. For example, well-designed abstractions, APIs, and admin interfaces.
  • Decouple the places where people make the most mistakes from the places where they can cause failures. In particular, provide fully featured non-production sandbox environments where people can explore and experiment safely, using real data, without affecting real users.
  • Test thoroughly at all levels, from unit tests to whole-system integration tests and manual tests. Automated testing is widely used.
  • Allow quick and easy recovery from human errors, to minimize the impact in the case of a failure. For example, make it fast to roll back configuration changes, roll out new code gradually (so that any unexpected bugs affect only a small subset of users), and provide tools to recompute data.
  • Set up detailed and clear monitoring, such as performance metrics and error rates.
  • Implement good management practices and training—a complex and important aspect.


Describing Load

Let’s consider Twitter as an example.

Twitter’s scaling challenge is not primarily due to tweet volume, but due to fan-out - each user follows many people, and each user is followed by many people. There are broadly two ways of implementing these two operations:

  1. Posting a tweet simply inserts the new tweet into a global collection of tweets. When a user requests their home timeline, look up all the people they follow, find all the tweets for each of those users, and merge them (sorted by time).



  2. Maintain a cache for each user’s home timeline—like a mailbox of tweets for each recipient user. When a user posts a tweet, look up all the people who follow that user, and insert the new tweet into each of their home timeline caches. The request to read the home timeline is then cheap, because its result has been computed ahead of time.


The first version of Twitter used approach 1, but the systems struggled to keep up with the load of home timeline queries, so the company switched to approach 2. This works better because the average rate of published tweets is almost two orders of magnitude lower than the rate of home timeline reads, and so in this case it’s preferable to do more work at write time and less at read time.

In the example of Twitter, the distribution of followers per user (maybe weighted by how often those users tweet) is a key load parameter for discussing scalability, since it determines the fan-out load.

The final twist of the Twitter anecdote: now that approach 2 is robustly implemented, Twitter is moving to a hybrid of both approaches. Most users’ tweets continue to be fanned out to home timelines at the time when they are posted, but a small number of users with a very large number of followers (i.e., celebrities) are excepted from this fan-out. Tweets from any celebrities that a user may follow are fetched separately and merged with that user’s home timeline when it is read, like in approach 1.

CHAPTER 2 Data Models and Query Languages

Relational Model Versus Document Model

Document Model: The main arguments in favor of the document data model are schema flexibility, better performance due to locality, and that for some applications it is closer to the data structures used by the application.
Relational model: The relational model counters by providing better support for joins, and many-to-one and many-to-many relationships.

Query Languages for Data

Declarative Queries on

In a web browser, using declarative CSS styling is much better than manipulating styles imperatively in JavaScript. Similarly, in databases, declarative query languages like SQL turned out to be much better than imperative query APIs.

MapReduce Querying

MapReduce is a programming model for processing large amounts of data in bulk across many machines, popularized by Google. A limited form of MapReduce is supported by some NoSQL datastores, including MongoDB and CouchDB, as a mechanism for performing read-only queries across many documents.

MapReduce is neither a declarative query language nor a fully imperative query API, but somewhere in between: the logic of the query is expressed with snippets of code, which are called repeatedly by the processing framework. It is based on the map (also known as collect) and reduce (also known as fold or inject) functions that exist in many functional programming languages.